Hello Fellow Shooters,

Saturday was a great day to shoot! It wasn’t too hot yet, and a light breeze.

Scotty also brought those outstanding donuts we love.

On to the scores…


Scotty H. ***MATCH WINNER***53/60RAW HM-1000Sightron 10-50 FTJSB 13.4
Robert D.48/60Daystate RedwolfHawke 6-24×56JSB 10.34
Bill B.47/60Daystate RedwolfSightron SIII 10-50×56JSB 13.4
Shepard M.37/60Benjamin MarauderCT 3-18xHN 10.6
Jim C.35/60Daystate RedwolfHawke 10-50×60JSB 13.4
David E. 29/60AV AvengerBusnell Match ProAA 8.4

We want to thank everyone who made it out to shoot with us–we really appreciate it! Don’t forget our website: boernefieldtarget.com and thanks to Shepard for doing a great job as match director and keeping the website up to date. Also, he is envisioning an Awards Match this year, so look for that happening later in November. More information to come on that. Hope to see you at our next match on Saturday, July 16th, 2022.